Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I don't want to play this game anymore

Well, my father's birthday was about as unpleasant as I expected. It was very uncomfortable being around my parents when everything in me wanted to stay far, far away.  Our relationship has completely changed and I'm sure they have no idea why. I would never confront either of them with the truth that I have discovered, as it would only make things worse. My mother, as always, is being very passive aggressive. She took the stool out of the bathroom that my son uses and his plates have been "put away" and she "can't remember" where they are. My husband said "yep, all traces of us have been removed." I am being punished for daring to stand up to her.

I got an email from her informing me that my father has been urinating blood for two weeks and will need surgery on his prostate again. He had surgery about a year ago and it is enlarged again. I offered to go with her or to take care of her precious dogs but she made it clear that I was not needed. She said that she probably won't be able to do the hymn sing (a story for another time) either. I offered to come over and stay with him but again she said they don't need help. Ok, message received.

Her status on fa.cebook yesterday was "keep calm, stay strong and be happy to piss off those who don't care anyway!!! But I still LOVE everybody ;-)" No question who that was meant for. These are the games she plays and I have always caved and given in in the past. Well, I am done playing her games. The stakes are too high and there's no way that I can win. Game over.

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